فريق عمل اتش بى جروب

• A high-performance workplace results from continually balancing investment in people, process, physical environment and technology, to measurably enhance the ability of workers to learn, discover, innovate, team and lead, and to achieve efficiency and financial benefit.
• A high-performance team is a group of people with specific roles and complementary talents and skills, aligned with and committed to a common purpose, who consistently show high levels of collaboration and innovation that produce superior results.
• The high-performance team is regarded as tight-knit, focused on their goal and have supportive processes that will enable any team member to surmount any barriers in achieving the team’s goals.
• With high-performance team, people are highly skilled and are able to interchange their roles.
• Also, leadership within the team is not vested in a single individual. Instead the leadership role is taken up by various team members, according to the need at that moment in time.
• High-performance teams have robust methods of resolving conflict efficiently, so that conflict does not become a roadblock to achieving the team’s goals.
• There is a sense of clear focus and intense energy within a high-performance team.
• Collectively, the team has its own consciousness, indicating shared norms and values within the team.
• The team feels a strong sense of accountability for achieving their goals.
• Team members display high levels of mutual trust towards each other